Rashmika Mandanna has completed shooting for her upcoming film Animal, which marks her debut collaboration with Ranbir Kapoor. Now, the actress is back in Hyderabad and is ready to start filming for Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun. Rashmika Mandanna shared a lengthy note on her Instagram story, discussing her upcoming projects Animal and Pushpa 2. She wrote, “Dear Diary, Last night I finished a night shoot and now I’m back in Hyderabad. Tonight, I begin work on Pushpa 2.”
She revealed that she was surprised when the opportunity for Animal came unexpectedly, but she was excited about it. She mentioned that she shot for approximately 50 days for the film. Rashmika wrote, “Now that it’s over, I’m starting to feel a void.”
After expressing her admiration for the entire team, she dedicated a few words to the film’s director. She wrote, “Firstly, @sandeepreddyvanga is awesome, as everyone knows. His devotion to his craft and character creation, along with his clarity in all scenes and the freedom he gives to artists, is absolutely amazing.” Continuing her post, Rashmika praised her co-star Ranbir Kapoor and admitted that she was initially nervous. She added, “God has really taken his time to make him perfect.”
Pushpa: The Rise, released in 2021, was written and directed by Sukumar and received widespread acclaim. The action-drama focused on red sandalwood smuggling. Following the success of Pushpa, fans eagerly anticipate its sequel. Earlier this year, Allu Arjun shared the first look poster from Pushpa 2, where he was seen dressed in a saree with his face painted in shades of blue and red, adorned with bangles, jewelry, a nose pin, and jhumkas.
The release date of Pushpa 2 is yet to be announced by the makers.
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Basant Kasayap is an entertainment aficionado who delves into the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. From Hollywood to Bollywood to regional cinema, she offers readers an insider’s perspective on the world of movies, music, and pop culture.