Chadster’s Double Dilemma

Chadster’s Double Dilemma

Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV | Tagged: aew, wrestling

Double trouble for The Chadster this weekend as AEW Rampage and AEW Collision invade! And is Tony Khan stealing The Chadster’s dairy products? 😩💔🥛🤼‍♂️

This weekend is going to be extra challenging for The Chadster as AEW Rampage and AEW Collision take over! The Chadster can’t help but wonder if Tony Khan has a thing for his diary products. Is he sneaking into The Chadster’s house and stealing his milk? It’s time to delve into an unbiased preview of AEW Rampage and explain why it’s being positioned as the worst show in television history. 😠

In tonight’s episode of AEW Rampage, there’s a highly-anticipated TRIOS MATCH between the United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher, & Will Ospreay) and CHAOS (Chuck Taylor, Rocky Romero, & Trent Beretta). It’s evident that Tony Khan is attempting to overshadow WWE’s tag team division with this incredible match. But The Chadster finds it disrespectful to the wrestling industry and everything WWE has contributed to it.

And let’s not forget the ONE-ON-ONE match between Taya Valkyrie and Trish Adora. The Chadster questions if they truly understand the essence of wrestling. It’s almost as if they believe wrestling fans have no interest in witnessing a match like this. How dare AEW provide a platform for talented female wrestlers to showcase their skills! 😡

Then there’s the intriguing MIXED TRIOS MATCH featuring Aubrey Edwards, Mark Briscoe, and Papa Briscoe against Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, with Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt. It seems like AEW is throwing everything and everyone together to create a stacked card. The lack of respect for true wrestling professionals is evident, and it only adds to The Chadster’s frustration! 😫

Finally, the SINGLES MATCH between Konosuke Takeshita and Bandido is another example of AEW’s attempt to replicate WWE’s exceptional wrestling matches. The involvement of Don Callis further amplifies The Chadster’s disappointment. AEW believes they can capture the magic of WWE by showcasing these wrestlers, but they should really be ashamed of themselves!

Now, The Chadster must address a recent disturbance at home. Last night, The Chadster was awakened by a loud noise. In his haste, he rushed downstairs only to find the refrigerator door open and the milk left on the counter! Someone had even taken a sip from the carton. The Chadster is convinced it was Tony Khan. 😱🥛

The Chadster has long suspected Tony Khan of sneaking into his house and pilfering groceries, but there’s never been concrete evidence. How does Tony Khan do it? Is he some kind of evil genius with an obsession for ruining The Chadster’s life? Maybe he has an army of ninjas at his disposal. The Chadster can’t help but question why Tony Khan is so fixated on him. 😭

Therefore, The Chadster earnestly requests that you refrain from watching AEW Rampage, which airs at 10 PM on TNT. Instead, stay loyal to the pure wrestling excellence that WWE offers and demonstrate to Tony Khan that The Chadster cannot be trifled with! 💪🛑

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